Lifestart Supporting Parents – Improving Outcomes For Children

Supporting parents in their parenting roles with evidence-based information on how young children develop and learn.  Lifestart Supporting Parents Leitrim Sligo and West Cavan CLG offers the FREE high quality, evidence-based Growing Child programme for parents of children from birth up to age three years, (five years when required) in Sligo, Leitrim and West Cavan.
Lifestart Supporting Parents works under franchise with the Lifestart Foundation. Lifestart Supporting Parents is funded by Tusla, the Child and Family Agency and the HSE. If you would like to make a referral or refer yourself to this service, you will find referral information in the Programmes Section and also in the Services Section.

How to make a Referral…

Making a Referral

Parents and professionals can make a referral by downloading our PDF referral and information form to print off, complete and post into us, or you can download the editable PDF referral form and complete on your device then email it into us. You will find a download link to both of these forms below. Alternatively, you may wish to speak to us directly on 071 9146034 / 086 827 6055 or email us at

Get in Touch

Call Us: (071) 91 46034

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Our Initiatives…

Breastfeeding Friendly Healthy Ireland

Supporting and Promoting Breast Feeding for healthy children throughout County Sligo

Latest from the Blog…

Have you seen our June Newsletter?

Check out the latest November issue of Growing Together for parents of preschool children. The issue looks at issues such as, "Do children act up on purpose?", advice on how to help children feel good about themselves and practical advice around...

The summer holidays are nearly here and we're all looking forward to those long car journeys with the kids!!.  Everyone seems to be talking about holidays and getting away for a few days. Here are some travel tips to get your holiday off to a...

Staycation Travel Tips for Families

I think we are all going a little stir crazy at the moment and itchy feet now need scratching.  Everyone seems to be talking about holidays and getting away for a few days.  And with most governments suggesting we opt for ‘Staycations’ here are...

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