Covid-19 Policy

Lifestart Supporting Parents recognises and accept our duty to protect the health and safety of all employees, visitors to the premises, including contractors and other service providers, as well as any members of the public who might be affected by our work.

Lifestart Supporting Parents takes the health and safety of our employees very seriously. With the spread of the coronavirus or “COVID-19,” a respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, we all must remain vigilant in mitigating the outbreak. 

To be safe and maintain operations, we have developed a COVID-19 Response Plan to be implemented throughout the Service and at all of our work locations.  We have also identified a team of employees to be responsible for the implementation and managing of the control measures, and to all monitor available Health Service Executive (HSE), the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) and the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) guidance on the virus. This plan is based on currently available information from the HSE and the HSA and is subject to change based on details provided by the HSE, the HSA, and other public officials. The Service may also amend this response plan based on operational needs.

It is the strict duty of all employees to conform to these COVID-19 Response Plan and associated OHS and HR procedures, and to carry out their responsibilities as detailed in this document, and in accordance with any applicable legislation.

The above policy is explained to, understood, and adopted by all staff and is made available to all interested parties.

Our commitment remains first to our people and to those using our service—ensuring their health and safety while minimising the impact on our business and operations.

Signed: _______________                                    Date: _______________

Kate Donnelly – Regional Manager

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