Lifestart Supporting Parents – Improving Outcomes For Children

Supporting parents in their parenting roles with evidence-based information on how young children develop and learn.  Lifestart Supporting Parents Leitrim Sligo and West Cavan CLG offers the FREE high quality, evidence-based Growing Child programme for parents of children from birth up to age three years, (five years when required) in Sligo, Leitrim and West Cavan.
Lifestart Supporting Parents works under franchise with the Lifestart Foundation. Lifestart Supporting Parents is funded by Tusla, the Child and Family Agency and the HSE. If you would like to make a referral or refer yourself to this service, you will find referral information in the Programmes Section and also in the Services Section.

We’re Breastfeeding Friendly Sligo  – Making Sligo a Supportive Space for Breastfeeding Families 

The initiative was formally launched on the 4th of October 2021 – Check out the following video of our Launch – Breastfeeding Friendly Sligo Launch 4th Oct 2021

We’re Breastfeeding Friendly Sligo is an initiative focusing on publicly-accessible buildings and services in County Sligo. This is to include commitment and visible statements of support for the initiative in publicly accessible places and spaces supported by a branding and promotional campaign.

The We’re Breastfeeding Friendly Sligo initiative aims to improve the health and wellbeing of breastfeeding mothers, babies and their families by encouraging businesses, organisations and communities to become Breastfeeding Friendly Sligo.

Please see section below on how to get involved.

For more information and support on breastfeeding visit: or    

The objectives of the We’re Breastfeeding Friendly Sligo initiative are to:

  • Support business, community and public service settings to welcome breastfeeding mothers and families
  • Support breastfeeding mothers and families to be active in the community
  • Support parents during the key life transition of becoming a parent
  • Support a strong culture of connectedness – between agencies, communities and mother, family, baby, and community.


If you would like your business or place of work to get involved with this initiative – please contact us on 071 9146034 or email OR PLEASE CLICK ON THE LINK ABOVE TO DOWNLOAD OUR BROCHURE.

Once you contact us, we will send you more information and an agreement form which needs to be signed by a manager with your organisation/business and we will ensure you receive your posters/stickers and we will add you to the list of breastfeeding friendly organisations / businesses on our website.


Above Stickers and Posters available for display in your Business once you sign up to the initiative. 

Our Initiatives…

Breastfeeding Friendly Healthy Ireland

Supporting and Promoting Breast Feeding for healthy children throughout County Sligo

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